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4669 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC, V5H 2B3

604 437 0318

Alexandr Gerchikov is one of Vancouver’s esteemed jewellery designers. View his custom pro folio online along with Trio Diamond and Gold’s consignment jewellery.

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Gold Exchange

Most people have an old gold and platinum jewellery that not wearing and have no one to pass it on. We provide a simple, safe and convenient way for you to convert your unwanted items into cash via cheque, contactless or cash payment.

Trio Diamond and Gold combines a free, easy and secure way for you to sell your unwanted gold and platinum with a name that has been trusted in Vancouver for over 45 years.

Each item you would be selling will be appraised based on a combination of weight, purity, and the market value of your precious metals. We provide one of the best and most competitive offers in the industry for your gold and other precious metals.